sabato 21 gennaio 2012

Nob Spots! Paris Menswear Fashion Week - Day 2: Alexis Mabille Fall/Winter 2012-13

Con Alexis Mabille la sensualità del Rinascimento e l’opulenza dei Tudor rivivono nel 2012. Broccato e giacche con martingala, decorazioni a mo’ di alamari, bottoni e ricami, si mescolano alla più aggressiva pelle da biker. Se il regista Baz Luhrmann dovesse rimettere in scena un’opera shakespeariana ai tempi moderni, avrebbe già pronta un’intera collezione.

The Renaissance sensuality and Tudor’s luxuriance live again in 2012 thanks to Alexis Mabille. Brocade and coats with back-belt, decorations such as frogs, buttons and embroideries have been mixed up with the aggressive biker leather. If the director Baz Luhrmann started filming again a Shakespearean drama set in modern times, he would have an entire collection at his disposal.

Text: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Fashion show photos:

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