Eleganza di stampo inglese da Canali. Gessato, doppio petto, riga di lato e occhiali sul naso per un rigore d’antan che significhi rispettabilità e prestigio. Nel tempo libero le camicie inamidate vengono messe da parte, le linee diventano più morbide e sinuosi arabeschi disegnano pantaloni e camicie, mentre spruzzi di verde mela e senape ravvivano la palette di colori.
Canali shows a British elegance. Pinstripes, double-breasted jackets, parting and glasses on the nose for an old-time severity made of respectability and prestige. In the free time the stiff shirts are set apart, the lines become more delicate and the wiggly arabesques draw trousers and shirts, while splashes of apple green and mustard brighten the colour scale.
Canali shows a British elegance. Pinstripes, double-breasted jackets, parting and glasses on the nose for an old-time severity made of respectability and prestige. In the free time the stiff shirts are set apart, the lines become more delicate and the wiggly arabesques draw trousers and shirts, while splashes of apple green and mustard brighten the colour scale.
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