Alla luce dei bagliori dorati dei mosaici bizantini di San Marco e dei riflessi delle acque della laguna, nasce la nuova Maison Louis Vuitton Venezia.
Un gioiello prezioso custodito nel cuore della città, in un'architettura razionalista progettata nel 1936 da Brenno Del Giudice. Uno store di quattro piani un tempo cinema e teatro, come rivela il bassorilievo a bobina creato da Napoleone Martinuzzi che si srotola lungo l’edificio. Un'unica visione dello stile divisa in quattro atti: la pelletteria al piano terra e a seguire l’uomo al primo piano fino all’universo donna. L’epica chiusura è l'Espace Culturel che accoglie una libreria che propone una selezione di libri d’arte insieme alle pubblicazioni edite da Louis Vuitton. A fare da intermezzo sono le opere di Candida Höfer, Jean-François Rauzier, Humberto e Fernando Campana. Un luogo straordinario che, illuminato dallo splendore di Venezia, riesce a proiettare e raccontare la poliedrica storia di una città e di una regione inimitabili che hanno sempre avuto un legame molto stretto con Vuitton. Si racconta che forse furono proprio i fiori a quattro petali di Palazzo Ducale ad ispirare Georges Vuitton per il motivo Monogram. Ma oltre le leggende, oggi la maison francese ha stabilito proprio qui, dove l’attività calzaturiera ha una tradizione secolare, la propria produzione di calzature a Fiesso d’Artico.
L’arte, il cinema, l’artigianato, il lusso, il viaggio, ma soprattutto il saper vivere: è Venezia firmata Louis Vuitton.
Article: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Store Photos by
Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Celebrity Photos
Courtesy of Louis Vuitton
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Store Photos by
Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Celebrity Photos
Courtesy of Louis Vuitton
Alongside Saint Mark’s golden Byzantine mosaics and the lights reflected in the waters of the Venetian lagoon, Venice is ready to welcome a new Louis Vuitton Maison.
A precious jewel shielded in the heart of the city, in a razionalist building designed by Brenno Del Giudice in 1936. A store with four floors, that used to be a cinema and theatre, as revealed by a bas-relief with a film reel, created by Napoleone Martinuzzi, unrolled on the edifice.
A unique style vision divided in four acts: leather goods at the ground floor, followed by menswear at the first one and womenswear at the second one. As epic closure the Espace Culturel offers a selection of art books together with Louis Vuitton publications. The art works by Candida Höfer, Jean-François Rauzier, Humberto and Fernando Campana create pleasant breaks. A one in a million place, enlightened by the splendour of Venice, able to project and narrate the polyhedral story of such a city that has always had a close bond with Vuitton. It is said that maybe the flowers with four petals of the Doge’s Palace inspired George Vuitton for the Monogram pattern. Nowadays the French brand established here, where the shoes activity has a centennial tradition, its shoes production in Fiesso d’Artico.
Art, cinema, craftsmanship, luxury, journey, but above all the savoir vivre: it’s Venice by Louis Vuitton.
A precious jewel shielded in the heart of the city, in a razionalist building designed by Brenno Del Giudice in 1936. A store with four floors, that used to be a cinema and theatre, as revealed by a bas-relief with a film reel, created by Napoleone Martinuzzi, unrolled on the edifice.
A unique style vision divided in four acts: leather goods at the ground floor, followed by menswear at the first one and womenswear at the second one. As epic closure the Espace Culturel offers a selection of art books together with Louis Vuitton publications. The art works by Candida Höfer, Jean-François Rauzier, Humberto and Fernando Campana create pleasant breaks. A one in a million place, enlightened by the splendour of Venice, able to project and narrate the polyhedral story of such a city that has always had a close bond with Vuitton. It is said that maybe the flowers with four petals of the Doge’s Palace inspired George Vuitton for the Monogram pattern. Nowadays the French brand established here, where the shoes activity has a centennial tradition, its shoes production in Fiesso d’Artico.
Art, cinema, craftsmanship, luxury, journey, but above all the savoir vivre: it’s Venice by Louis Vuitton.