Kris Van Assche F/W 2012-13
E. Tautz S/S 2013
Kris Van Assche S/S 2013
Jil Sander F/W 2013-14
X- Files
Jil Sander F/W 2013-14
Markus Lupfer S/S 2013
Gli X-Men sono tra noi. Non si tratta dell’uscita allo scoperto dei mutanti della fortunata serie di fumetti della Marvel, ma del più comune, ma non per questo meno straordinario, mondo della moda.
Grafiche incrociate attraversano le passerelle maschili, segnalando a caratteri cubitali l’iconico stile di chi le indossa. Una lettera feticcio per i designer, divenuta in effetti negli ultimi tempi parte del gergo visivo popolare. Iniziando dal sopracitato fumetto della Marvel, la X denomina la speciale mutazione genetica che fornisce poteri eccezionali. Nel mondo televisivo attuale indica quella scintilla, l’X Factor, che illumina il vero genio canoro oppure il definitivo segnale di eliminazione per i concorrenti del format America’s got Talent. Nella vita quotidiana la X è comunemente riconosciuta come indicatore universale di avvertimento, dalla croce di Sant’Andrea al teschio con tibie incrociate, fino alla trasgressione del mondo dell’Hard, quando triplicata nella lingua inglese ricorda la parola sex. Non bisogna dimenticare che addirittura ad un’intera generazione è stata affibbiato questo carattere alfabetico, simbolo di mancanza d’identità sociale, così come è impossibile non ricordare gli X-Files, gli archivi di casi irrisolti e avvolti dal mistero della coppia tv Mulder e Scully.
Che sia indice di straordinarietà, di pericolo o di indefinibile vaghezza, l’effetto è univoco: un richiamo all’attenzione destinato a lasciare il segno.
Article: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
The X-Men are among us. We are not talking about the discovery of the mutants of the lucky Marvel comic book series, but the more common, but not less extraordinary, fashion world.
Crossed graphics go through the menswear catwalks, standing out in red letters the iconic style of those who wear them. A fetish character for the fashion designers, that recently became part of the widespread visual jargon. Starting from the above-mentioned Marvel comic book, the X denominates the special genetic mutation that gives outstanding powers. In the current TV world it reveals the X Factor, that spark able to distinguish a real talent, or in the format of America’s got Talent it is the definitive signal to eliminate the contestants. In the daily life the X is commonly known as an universal warning marker, from the crossbuck to the skull and crossbones, up to the transgression of the porn world, when triplicated it reminds the word “sex”. Moreover not to forget that this letter is linked to an entire generation, becoming a symbol of lack of social identity, as in the X-Files TV series, with the archive of unsolved cases shrouded in mystery by the duo Mulder and Scully.
Both if it is indicator of extraordinariness, danger or indefinable vagueness, the final effect is univocal: a strong call doomed to leave a mark.
Crossed graphics go through the menswear catwalks, standing out in red letters the iconic style of those who wear them. A fetish character for the fashion designers, that recently became part of the widespread visual jargon. Starting from the above-mentioned Marvel comic book, the X denominates the special genetic mutation that gives outstanding powers. In the current TV world it reveals the X Factor, that spark able to distinguish a real talent, or in the format of America’s got Talent it is the definitive signal to eliminate the contestants. In the daily life the X is commonly known as an universal warning marker, from the crossbuck to the skull and crossbones, up to the transgression of the porn world, when triplicated it reminds the word “sex”. Moreover not to forget that this letter is linked to an entire generation, becoming a symbol of lack of social identity, as in the X-Files TV series, with the archive of unsolved cases shrouded in mystery by the duo Mulder and Scully.
Both if it is indicator of extraordinariness, danger or indefinable vagueness, the final effect is univocal: a strong call doomed to leave a mark.
Calvin Klein Underwear X collection 2010
Neil Barrett F/W 2013-14
X Factor
Z Zegna F/W 2012
Markus Lupfer F/W 2013
Kenzo Ad Campaign F/W 2012
Kenzo Ad Campaign S/S 2013
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