Dolce & Gabbana, come ha acutamente messo in chiaro Gianluca Lo Vetro, hanno contrapposto un’estetica pauperista di stampo neorealista al roboante e omologante immaginario della donna in carriera imperante negli anni ottanta. Grazie a loro, la Sicilia, con le sue peculiarità regionali, è diventata un vero e proprio stile che ora detta moda in tutto il globo. “Pieno di sorprese lo stile Dolce & Gabbana è creato sul contrasto; classico ma esplosivo, sexy ma sereno. Una moda rivoluzionaria”, ha detto Naomi Campbell. Esattamente in linea con il pensiero di Stefano Gabbana, che sostiene: “Non possiamo fare un solo stile, non è naturale, nessuno vuole essere sempre e solo lo stesso”. Ma ciò che rimane costante è l’evocazione del Sud Italia. “Vogliamo usare il passato ma proiettalo nel futuro”, aggiungono i due stilisti.
Dolce & Gabbana, as Gianluca Lo Vetro clearly said, opposed the pauperistic aesthetics of the neorealist style to the fashionable and flamboyant imagery of the career woman of the eighties. Thanks to them the sicilian look and its regional details have become a real global style to wear. A world of contradictions which aims toward new and unexpected visions. "The style of Dolce & Gabbana is full of surprises and it is created on contrasts between classical and explosive, sexy but serene. A revolutionary fashion", said Naomi Campbell. Exactly the same thought as Stefano Gabbana, who argues: "We cannot do one style, it is unnatural, nobody wants to be always just the same". But what remains constant is the evocation of Southern Italy. "We want to use the past but project toward the future," added the two designers.
Dolce & Gabbana, as Gianluca Lo Vetro clearly said, opposed the pauperistic aesthetics of the neorealist style to the fashionable and flamboyant imagery of the career woman of the eighties. Thanks to them the sicilian look and its regional details have become a real global style to wear. A world of contradictions which aims toward new and unexpected visions. "The style of Dolce & Gabbana is full of surprises and it is created on contrasts between classical and explosive, sexy but serene. A revolutionary fashion", said Naomi Campbell. Exactly the same thought as Stefano Gabbana, who argues: "We cannot do one style, it is unnatural, nobody wants to be always just the same". But what remains constant is the evocation of Southern Italy. "We want to use the past but project toward the future," added the two designers.
“Dolce & Gabbana interpretano e reinventano la donna sexy italiana. L’aspetto trasformista rappresenta la parte più geniale del loro stile. Con gli abiti di Domenico e Stefano, basta aprire il guardaroba per cambiare, personalità!” ha detto Linda Evangelista.
"Dolce & Gabbana interpret and reinvent the sexy Italian woman. The changing look shows the most brilliant part of their style. With the clothes of Domenico and Stefano, you just open the wardrobe to change personality!" said Linda Evangelista.
"Dolce & Gabbana interpret and reinvent the sexy Italian woman. The changing look shows the most brilliant part of their style. With the clothes of Domenico and Stefano, you just open the wardrobe to change personality!" said Linda Evangelista.
L’innocente ragazza siciliana con la croce, il rosario, le calze nere coprenti, il pizzo nero, le frange da scialle, i capelli raccolti in chignon, il nero totale e minimalista.
The innocent Sicilian girl with the cross, the rosary, opaque black tights, the lace, the shawl fringes, the hair in a bun and the total and minimalist black.
The innocent Sicilian girl with the cross, the rosary, opaque black tights, the lace, the shawl fringes, the hair in a bun and the total and minimalist black.
Ferdinando Scianna for Dolce & Gabbana - 1987
Anna Magnani
Stefania Sandrelli in Sedotta e abbandonata - 1964
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
Anna Magnani
Stefania Sandrelli in Sedotta e abbandonata - 1964
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
La tentatrice mediterranea con il bustino, i tacchi alti, la pelliccia, il leopardato delle prostitute palermitane, i broccati, l’intimo in vista, le guêpière, i disegni dei fiori ripresi dai giardini botanici palermitani, il patchwork e i preziosi velluti.
The Mediterranean temptress with corset, high heels, leopard fur of prostitutes of the Palermo, brocade, the show of underwear, flower design taken from the botanical gardens in Palermo, patchwork, the precious velvet and the men’s pinstripe suit worn with confidence by androgynous women.
The Mediterranean temptress with corset, high heels, leopard fur of prostitutes of the Palermo, brocade, the show of underwear, flower design taken from the botanical gardens in Palermo, patchwork, the precious velvet and the men’s pinstripe suit worn with confidence by androgynous women.
Steven Meisel for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1991-92
Steven Meisel for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1996-97
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
Steven Meisel for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1996-97
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
"Con la loro moda maschile, Dolce & gabbana non hanno reinterpretato soltanto la strada, ma tutto il mondo che vi sta dietro. Ci hanno dato dandy, banditi, pastori siciliani, mariuoli napoletani, Jean Cocteau e Jack Kerouac. Nel corso di questa evoluzione hanno creato una nuova aristocrazia dello stile maschile” ha detto James Truman. Viene definita la figura di un uomo sexy, che usa il proprio corpo come arma di piacere e seduzione, metrosexual o meno, comunque virile e sicuro di sé. Un uomo che ama sfoggiare abiti raffinati e scintillanti al calar della notte, quando inizia l’altra vita, quella degli aperitivi e dei party.
"With their men's fashion, Dolce & Gabbana have not only reinterpreted the street, but the whole world behind it, giving us nobs, bandits, Sicilian shepherds, Neapolitan rogues, Jean Cocteau and Jack Kerouac. During this evolution they have created a new aristocracy of masculine style", said James Truman. Dolce & Gabbana have defined the figure of a sexy man, who uses his body as a weapon of pleasure and seduction. He is metrosexual or not, but always manly and confident. A man who loves to show off fine sparkling clothes under the stars, when the nightlife made of cocktails, disco and parties starts.
"With their men's fashion, Dolce & Gabbana have not only reinterpreted the street, but the whole world behind it, giving us nobs, bandits, Sicilian shepherds, Neapolitan rogues, Jean Cocteau and Jack Kerouac. During this evolution they have created a new aristocracy of masculine style", said James Truman. Dolce & Gabbana have defined the figure of a sexy man, who uses his body as a weapon of pleasure and seduction. He is metrosexual or not, but always manly and confident. A man who loves to show off fine sparkling clothes under the stars, when the nightlife made of cocktails, disco and parties starts.
Il bandito con la coppola, la canottiera, i jeans squarciati, i maglioni a lana grossa, i completi gessati, il gilet, la camicia bianca, il fustagno, il velluto.
The bandit with cap, simple white vest, torn jeans, thick wool sweaters, the reversed sheepskin, pinstripe suits and corduroy.
The bandit with cap, simple white vest, torn jeans, thick wool sweaters, the reversed sheepskin, pinstripe suits and corduroy.
Massimo Giorotti in Ossessione - 1943
Steven Meisel for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1990-91
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
Dolce & Gabbana F/W 2010
Steven Meisel for Dolce & Gabbana F/W 1990-91
Steven Klein for Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010
Dolce & Gabbana F/W 2010
L’aristocratico dandy siciliano con le gattopardesche vestaglie del principe di Salina, i mocassini di velluto, l’iperdecorativismo barocco, l’ottima sartoria, la giacca con il taglio “Martini”, stretta in vita con uno o due bottoni.
The Sicilian aristocratic dandy with the robes of the Prince of Salina, velvet loafers, the baroque decorativism, the jacket with "Martini" cut, with narrow waist and one or two buttons, and excellent tailoring.
The Sicilian aristocratic dandy with the robes of the Prince of Salina, velvet loafers, the baroque decorativism, the jacket with "Martini" cut, with narrow waist and one or two buttons, and excellent tailoring.