Un viaggio all’interno della coscienza. La collezione Frankie Morello è un cammino spirituale che conduce alla metamorfosi. Dalle armature metropolitane, fatte di giacche preziose ricoperte di bottoni e borchie, alla maglieria che assorbe gli stilemi di religioni e popoli lontani, fino a giungere a camicie leggere con incrostazioni splendenti di pietre preziose. L’ultimo step è una nudità metaforica e letterale, simbolo di distacco totale dalle influenze e dai gravami del mondo.
An inner journey. Frankie Morello’s collection is a real spiritual progress that leads to a metamorphosis. From metropolitan armours, made of precious jackets covered with buttons and studs, to knitwear that absorbs the style of religions and distant populations, up to slight shirts with shimmering rhinestones. The last step is a metaphorical and literal nudity, the ideal symbol of total aloofness from daily burdens.
An inner journey. Frankie Morello’s collection is a real spiritual progress that leads to a metamorphosis. From metropolitan armours, made of precious jackets covered with buttons and studs, to knitwear that absorbs the style of religions and distant populations, up to slight shirts with shimmering rhinestones. The last step is a metaphorical and literal nudity, the ideal symbol of total aloofness from daily burdens.
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