Hermès si fa ammaliare dalle correnti del web. A suggellare il nuovo sodalizio una capsule collection di 8 cravatte, il cui pattern è stato reinterpretato dall’artista Miguel Chevalier. Ma anche un’installazione interattiva ed un libro virtuale in mostra a Milano dal 17 al 27 ottobre a Palazzo Morando. A rivelarsi segretamente, tra righe apparenti, fantasie regimental e classici pois, simboli e nomenclatura della sfera informatica.
Per l’occasione siamo stati invitati da Hermès a creare una special story partendo dalle visioni creative di Chevalier. Abbiamo deciso di offrivi un percorso grafico, un tuffo nella storia dell’arte attraverso quei pionieri che, con le loro sensibili antenne, hanno anticipato e avvertito fremiti culturali dell’era digitale oggi in corso. Ogni immagine è un link, un’acrobazia mentale verso il loro pensiero, un tributo alle loro straordinarie intuizioni. Un viatico ironico e divertente prima di volare con la fantasia nel mondo di Hermès.
Hermès gets charmed by the web. A capsule collection of 8 ties, whose prints have been reinterpreted by the artist Miguel Chevalier, seals this new fellowship. But also an interactive installation and a virtual book will be part of the exhibition in Milan from October 17th to 27th at Palazzo Morando. The signs and symbols of the computer world are secretly revealed among plain stripes, regimental patterns and classic dots.
On this occasion we’ve been invited by Hermès to create a special story starting from Chevalier’s creative visions. We decided to offer you a graphic path, a dive into the history of art through those pioneers that, with their sensible skills, anticipated and perceived the cultural flickers of the ongoing digital era. Each image is a link, a mental discovery towards their thought, a tribute to their extraordinary intuitions. An ironic and cheerful journey before flying with our fantasy to the Hermès world.
Per l’occasione siamo stati invitati da Hermès a creare una special story partendo dalle visioni creative di Chevalier. Abbiamo deciso di offrivi un percorso grafico, un tuffo nella storia dell’arte attraverso quei pionieri che, con le loro sensibili antenne, hanno anticipato e avvertito fremiti culturali dell’era digitale oggi in corso. Ogni immagine è un link, un’acrobazia mentale verso il loro pensiero, un tributo alle loro straordinarie intuizioni. Un viatico ironico e divertente prima di volare con la fantasia nel mondo di Hermès.
Hermès gets charmed by the web. A capsule collection of 8 ties, whose prints have been reinterpreted by the artist Miguel Chevalier, seals this new fellowship. But also an interactive installation and a virtual book will be part of the exhibition in Milan from October 17th to 27th at Palazzo Morando. The signs and symbols of the computer world are secretly revealed among plain stripes, regimental patterns and classic dots.
On this occasion we’ve been invited by Hermès to create a special story starting from Chevalier’s creative visions. We decided to offer you a graphic path, a dive into the history of art through those pioneers that, with their sensible skills, anticipated and perceived the cultural flickers of the ongoing digital era. Each image is a link, a mental discovery towards their thought, a tribute to their extraordinary intuitions. An ironic and cheerful journey before flying with our fantasy to the Hermès world.
Concept and graphic realization:
Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Article: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Article: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Yves Klein affermò: “Per me il blu è il colore del video, una nuova arena per l’arte. È il colore dello schermo vuoto e dello spazio nel quale è contenuto il nostro nuovo mondo elettronico”. Un artista che con questo colore e le sue operazioni concettuali captò l’anima immateriale, ma esperibile di internet, bit elettronici ed mp3. Una cromia che forse non a caso unisce sette delle cravatte proposte da Chevalier e che fa da tessuto connettivo di questa collezione.
Yves Klein affirmed: “For me blue is the colour of the video, a new arena for the art. It’s the colour of the empty screen and the space in which our new electronic world is contained”. An artist that was able to capture the immaterial, but experienceable soul of Internet, electronic bits and mp3 through this colour and its conceptual operations. A tone that maybe not only by chance puts together seven of the ties proposed by Chevalier and that is basically the connective tissue of this collection.
Yves Klein affirmed: “For me blue is the colour of the video, a new arena for the art. It’s the colour of the empty screen and the space in which our new electronic world is contained”. An artist that was able to capture the immaterial, but experienceable soul of Internet, electronic bits and mp3 through this colour and its conceptual operations. A tone that maybe not only by chance puts together seven of the ties proposed by Chevalier and that is basically the connective tissue of this collection.
Con gli alfabeti ed i calendari isolati e decontestualizzati di Piero Manzoni si dispiega il linguaggio asettico ma potenzialmente produttivo del computer, il codice binario, basato sullo zero e l’uno, su "on" e "off".
With Piero Manzoni’s isolated and taken out of context alphabets and calendars there is a deployment of the aseptic but potentially productive language of the computer, the binary code, based on zero and one, “on” and “off”.
With Piero Manzoni’s isolated and taken out of context alphabets and calendars there is a deployment of the aseptic but potentially productive language of the computer, the binary code, based on zero and one, “on” and “off”.
Yoko Ono in una sua performance fece un incitamento: “Toccatevi l’un l’altro”. Un campo collettivo e fisico di trasmissione di energia che oggi è moltiplicato quasi all’infinito e che chiamiamo network, rete oppure, utilizzando le parole di Marshall McLuhan, villaggio globale.
Yoko Ono, during one of her performances, encouraged the public to: “Touch each other”. A collective and physical field of energy transmission that nowadays it has been multiplied almost to infinity and that can be traduced with the terms of network, web or, using Marshall McLuhan’s words, global village.
Yoko Ono, during one of her performances, encouraged the public to: “Touch each other”. A collective and physical field of energy transmission that nowadays it has been multiplied almost to infinity and that can be traduced with the terms of network, web or, using Marshall McLuhan’s words, global village.
Beuys si presentava come uno sciamano intento a ristabilire un dialogo tra uomo e natura, collegando materie organiche con cavi, parabole e antenne. Lo scopo era riconfigurare la vita e i sensi. Come nel pattern in stile ecologista firmato Hermès.
Beuys showed himself as a shaman with the intent to re-establish a dialogue between humans and nature, connecting organic matter with cables, aerials and satellite dishes. His goal was to reconfigure life and senses. As in the ecologist-style pattern designed by Hermès.
Beuys showed himself as a shaman with the intent to re-establish a dialogue between humans and nature, connecting organic matter with cables, aerials and satellite dishes. His goal was to reconfigure life and senses. As in the ecologist-style pattern designed by Hermès.
Bravi, bravi, bravi!!!! E'gioia della mente leggervi, congiuntura di cultura a tutto tondo e moda! Un applauso per Voi!
RispondiEliminaLoved reading this thhank you