Tutte le sfumature delle nebbie di Londra filate e racchiuse nella trama di tessuti preziosi, che diventano così magici amuleti. Chi è l'artefice di questo sogno da alchimista? Giorgio Armani. E chi altrimenti?
All London fog’s nuances spun and held together in the weave of precious fabrics, which become like magic charms. Who is the maker of this alchemist dream? Giorgio Armani. And who else?
All London fog’s nuances spun and held together in the weave of precious fabrics, which become like magic charms. Who is the maker of this alchemist dream? Giorgio Armani. And who else?
Uno dei nostri capi Z Zegna preferiti visto sotto una luce soffusa. Vi sveleremo la bellezza di questa collezione in un modo del tutto nuovo. Seguiteci e presto lo scoprirete.
One of our favourite Z Zegna looks seen under a soft light. We will disclose the beauty of this collection in a new way. Follow us and you will discover it soon.
One of our favourite Z Zegna looks seen under a soft light. We will disclose the beauty of this collection in a new way. Follow us and you will discover it soon.
Edun è un giovane marchio fondato dal celebre cantante degli U2 Bono e da sua moglie Ali Hewson. Durante la serata di presentazione, in collaborazione con il magazine Dazed & Confused, non sono stati dei canonici modelli a vestire gli abiti creati da Sharon Wauchob, ma gli Heartbreaks, una band londinese che si è esibita in un concerto live. Un modo per spezzare la monotonia della moda e far vivere realmente gli abiti, seguendo l'anima di chi li ha partoriti.
Edun is a young brand founded by the famous U2 singer Bono and his wife Ali Hewson. During the presentation, in collaboration with the magazine Dazed & Confused, there were no standard models wearing the clothes designed by Sharon Wauchob, but the London based band the Heartbreaks that performed in a live concert. A new way to break the monotony of fashion and to let the collection live for real, following the soul of those who created it.
Edun is a young brand founded by the famous U2 singer Bono and his wife Ali Hewson. During the presentation, in collaboration with the magazine Dazed & Confused, there were no standard models wearing the clothes designed by Sharon Wauchob, but the London based band the Heartbreaks that performed in a live concert. A new way to break the monotony of fashion and to let the collection live for real, following the soul of those who created it.
Text: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Photos: Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Photos: Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
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