Giacche sfoderate, tessuti stropicciati, pantaloni asciutti a vita alta e smocking da sera con rever in blu e bianco. Fantasie pied de poule, giochi di righe e glaciali colori pastello sui toni del blu e del grigio. Per un uomo dall'indole rilassata e senza fronzoli.
Unlined jackets, creased fabrics, high waist pants and tuxedo with blue and white lapels. Pied de poule, stripes patterns and glacial pastel colours in blue and grey tones. For a no-frills man with a relaxed temperament.
Unlined jackets, creased fabrics, high waist pants and tuxedo with blue and white lapels. Pied de poule, stripes patterns and glacial pastel colours in blue and grey tones. For a no-frills man with a relaxed temperament.
Giorgio Armani è inamovibile. Perchè è la musa dello stile a ispirarlo. Forme ampie che seguono il corpo sono delineate da grafie cristalline di minerali cubici e taglienti. Ma anche da pennellate nebulose che celebrano le sfumature del mare e del cielo.
Giorgio Armani is immovable. Because the muse of style inspires him. And nothing else. Roomy shapes that follow the body are delined by crystalline graphics of cubic minerals. But also by vaporous brushstrokes that celebrate the sea and sky nuances.
Giorgio Armani is immovable. Because the muse of style inspires him. And nothing else. Roomy shapes that follow the body are delined by crystalline graphics of cubic minerals. But also by vaporous brushstrokes that celebrate the sea and sky nuances.
Sahariane, cappelli di paglia e colori sabbiosi evocano le terre assolate di fuoco e grano dipinte da Van Gogh, ma anche romantiche spedizioni alla ricerca di tesori sepolti.
Safari jackets, straw hats and sandy colours evoke the sunny land of fire and wheat painted by Van Gogh, but also romantic expeditions in search of buried treasures.
Safari jackets, straw hats and sandy colours evoke the sunny land of fire and wheat painted by Van Gogh, but also romantic expeditions in search of buried treasures.
La moda è una sfida. Una competizione senza tregua per vincere. Ma c'è chi continua a giocare. Andreas Kronthaler per Vivienne Westwood dedica la sua collezione a Londra, che ospiterà i giochi olimpici, incoronando i suoi modelli non solo con foglie d'alloro, ma con gusto sartoriale e ironia. Da sfondo a questo gentleman sportivo anche le sculture luminose dell'artista neo-futurista Marco Lodola, che irradiano forza e potenza di olimpica bellezza.
Fashion is a challenge. A hard competition to win. But there is someone who keeps on playing. Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood dedicates the collection to London, which will host the Olympic Games, not only crowning the models with laurel leaves, but also with sartorial taste and irony. The background of this sporty gentleman is the light sculptures by the Neo-futurist artist Marco Lodola, radiating strength and power of Olympic beauty.
Fashion is a challenge. A hard competition to win. But there is someone who keeps on playing. Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood dedicates the collection to London, which will host the Olympic Games, not only crowning the models with laurel leaves, but also with sartorial taste and irony. The background of this sporty gentleman is the light sculptures by the Neo-futurist artist Marco Lodola, radiating strength and power of Olympic beauty.
Miele, crema e caramelle. E' la ricetta per la palette di abiti lineari dagli accenti sportivi.
Candies, honey and cream. It's the recipe of Fujiwara's palette for linear suits with sporty mood.
Candies, honey and cream. It's the recipe of Fujiwara's palette for linear suits with sporty mood.
Text: Leonardo Iuffrida
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Photos: Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Video: Alessandro Mancarella
Translation: Alessandro Mancarella
Photos: Leonardo Iuffrida & Alessandro Mancarella
Video: Alessandro Mancarella
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